Saturn's Small Moons
Saturn's innermost three moons are:
- Pan (Saturn XVIII) is the innermost of Saturn's known satellites:
- distance from Saturn: 133,583 km
- diameter: 20 km
a.k.a. 1981 S 13
- Pan was the god of woods, fields, and flocks, having a human torso
and head with a goat's legs, horns, and ears.
- Discovered by Mark R. Showalter
in 1990 from Voyager photos.
- Pan is within the Encke Gap in Saturn's A ring.
- Small moons near the rings produce wave patterns in the rings. Prior to
the discovery of Pan, an analysis of the patterns in the edge of Saturn's A ring
predicted the size and location of a small moon. Pan was discovered by
reexamining the 10 year old Voyager photos at the predicted spot.
- It is likely that there are more moons within Saturn's rings yet to be discovered.
- (above) Pan
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- Pan within the Encke Gap
54k gif
More about Pan
- Atlas (Saturn XV) is the second of Saturn's known satellites:
- distance from Saturn: 137,670 km
- diameter: 30 km (40 x 20)
a.k.a. 1980 S 28
- Atlas was a Titan condemned by Zeus to support the
heavens upon his shoulders; son of Iapetus and the nymph Clymene;
brother of Prometheus and Epimetheus.
- Discovered by R. Terrile in 1980 from
Voyager photos.
- Atlas seems to be a shepherd satellite
of the A ring.
- (above) Atlas
9k gif
More about Atlas
- Prometheus (Saturn XVI) is the third of Saturn's known satellites:
- distance from Saturn: 139,350 km
- diameter: 91 km (145 x 85 x 62)
- mass: 2.7e17 kg
a.k.a. 1980 S 27
- Pronounced "pra MEE thee us"
- Prometheus was a Titan who stole fire from Olympus and gave
it to humankind, for which Zeus punished him horribly;
son of Iapetus; brother of Atlas and Epimetheus.
"Prometheus" is Greek for "foresight".
- Discovered by S. Collins and others in 1980
from Voyager photos.
- Prometheus is the inner shepherd
satellite of the F ring.
- Prometheus has a number of ridges and valleys and several craters about 20 km
in diameter but appears to be less cratered than the neighboring moons
Janus and
- From their very low densities and relatively high albedos, it seems likely that
Prometheus, Pandora, Janus and Epimetheus are very porous icy bodies. (Note,
however, that there is a lot of uncertainty in these values.)
- (above) Prometheus
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- Prometheus, moon of Saturn, little oblong moon
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- Map of Prometheus
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- Prometheus and the F ring
78k gif
- Prometheus and Pandora and the F ring
79k gif
More about Prometheus
Open Issues
- What role do these moons play with respect to the
- We know next to nothing about these moons.
Even the basic mass and size data are not very accurate.
- Are Pan and Atlas similar to Prometheus in bulk properties?
... Saturn
... Pan / Atlas / Prometheus
... Pandora
Bill Arnett; last updated:
1995 June 17